A makeshift team of LCS renegades gave DRX a helping hand at Worlds 2022
This year’s League of Legends World Championship finals took place on Nov. 5 between T1 and DRX. Leading up to the finals, the teams needed to warm up and polish their master strategies to be in their prime for the event. Since teams can’t scrim each other ahead of the finals, a makeshift team of LCS renegades jumped in and helped DRX prepare for the matchup.
David “Diamond” Bérubé revealed that he, Niship “Dhokla” Doshi, Tomio Phanlith “Tomio” Chan, Eugene “Pobelter” Park, and Noh “Arrow” Dong-hyeon spent every day last week scrimming against this year’s Worlds champions, DRX. According to Diamond, Arrow was responsible for organizing the scrims between this makeshift team and DRX.