$100 Marvel Snap Bundle Reminds Me That, Yeah, This Is A Mobile Game

Yesterday, Marvel Snap was updated and for the most part, the update was well received. The new token system is in and some small quality-of-life changes have been added. Good stuff! But when players opened the store after the patch they saw a big ol’ banner for a new $100 bundle. And while it isn’t the worst thing…Read more...

Yesterday, Marvel Snap was updated and for the most part, the update was well received. The new token system is in and some small quality-of-life changes have been added. Good stuff! But when players opened the store after the patch they saw a big ol’ banner for a new $100 bundle. And while it isn’t the worst thing…Read more...

Yesterday, Marvel Snap was updated and for the most part, the update was well received. The new token system is in and some small quality-of-life changes have been added. Good stuff! But when players opened the store after the patch they saw a big ol’ banner for a new $100 bundle. And while it isn’t the worst thing…

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