Toad will finally sing in the Super Mario Bros. Movie

Nintendo fans are often divided when it comes to discussing their favorite games. What is the best Mario platformer? Is Yoshi sentient? Is Peach cheating on Mario with Bowser? But there is one thing everyone always comes together to agree on: Toad’s voice.

Toad has an angelic voice that soothes even the most chaotic and toxic of gamers, a lullaby of sorts that guides you through challenging situations in each Mario game.

Comedian and actor Keegan-Michael Key has taken on the coveted role of Toad in the Super Mario Bros. Movie. And you might notice that his voice is less raspy in the trailer. This has killed the dream for Toad fans that wanted to hear his shrill, panicked screams for 90 minutes straight. But don’t fret just yet — it’s possible Key was just saving his voice for a Toad musical number.

In an interview with Variety, Key confirmed what Nintendo fans had been dreaming of for over a decade: Toad will sing.

There have been videos on YouTube of fans interpreting what they think Toad would sound like if he took on pop hits and it’s nothing short of breathtaking. But these are just imaginings. Fantasies. Mario fans want to hear Toad himself break out into song. This is the number one most requested thing in Nintendo history.

Key has clearly heard the outcry of the community and read all of the petitions and is ready to make this long-time dream a reality.

He said: “I got to improvise a song in the Super Mario Bros. Movie, which was an absolute blast. That was just a stick of fun, that whole thing.”

An improvised song from Toad himself? This movie has just become the most anticipated film of 2023 — maybe even all time. It may be hard to get a ticket on opening weekend for the Super Mario Bros. Movie as Nintendo fans from all over the world scramble over each other to be one of the first to hear Toad singing an improvised ditty.

Key also discussed how he came up with the voice for Toad, which is a bit less raspy but still pleasingly obnoxious in the trailer. According to Key, he had an “internal journey” to find the perfect voice for Toad.

“There was something about the timbre. I wanted it higher and higher and higher. And that’s where we ended up. And I’m really happy with where we ended up,” Key said.

Apparently Jack Black will also be singing as Bowser but nobody cares.

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