These are the best and worst heroes making up the Dota 2 meta at TI11
These are the best and worst heroes making up the Dota 2 meta at TI11

The first 100 games often decide the Dota 2 meta-game at The International every year. Aside from unique strategies and off-meta picks, few heroes were heavily prioritized by all teams in almost 85 percent of the matches in TI11. There’s also an opposite side of this coin, as a handful of heroes were completely ignored.

With less than 14 matches to go in TI11, Marci’s currently the most demanded hero in the tournament. Marci was contested in 211 matches out of 219 despite receiving heavy nerfs a couple of months prior to TI11. Though the hero’s 76 percent win rate during the group stage dropped back to 50 percent, it was primarily due to her almost 100 percent pick rate.

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