The winners and losers of League of Legends Patch 12.19

Worlds 2022 is already in full swing, with the first stage coming to a conclusion on Oct. 4 with two final best-of-fives between MAD Lions and Evil Geniuses, and DetonatioN FocusMe and Royal Never Give Up. This finally gave Riot Games the freedom to test bizarre and off-meta changes that would leave a mark on the meta in the final weeks of Season 12. So, we will be witnessing the rise of AP Twitches, Kai’Sas, Malphites once again, and the flowering of Nasus supports with Patch 12.19.

On top of that, the devs took away power from the power picks like Master Yi and Rek’Sai simply to reduce their overbearing agency and over-the-top numbers. The mythic item, Eclipse, was also due for nerfs thanks to the increasing number of bruisers and assassins opting for this slightly overtuned item. Lastly, Patch 12.19 shipped with mid-scope Syndra update to give back her the ability to shine once again after the Durability update. 

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