QUIZ: Guess who said this — Overwatch 2 edition

Overwatch 2 is just around the corner, bringing with it hero balances, new cosmetics, and new voice lines as the lore continues to expand. New heroes have joined the ever-growing roster and more are coming, including an unnamed tank.

So how well do you know each heroes’ distinct personalities and backstories? Test your voice line knowledge — including heroes and lines from Overwatch 2 — in our latest quiz!

Guess who said this — Overwatch 2 edition

Our hard work will be for nothing if we don’t attack now.

In my world, there are no secrets. 

Where is everyone? I need someone to shout at!

To know yourself is to be at peace.

You have served your purpose.

I’ve done things I’m not proud of. Time to start making up for it. 

Odds of success increasing.

Breaking me down just builds me up.

I don’t start fights, but I always finish them.

What’s your opinion on the Tobelstein’s gravitational models?

We made this mess. Time to clean it up.

Ultimate 35% ready

You’re probably a bit new to the Overwatch lore and hero history — and that’s okay. Now is the perfect time to brush up on every hero’s short film, comic, and in-game lore to become more familiar with the current roster before Overwatch 2 comes out and more heroes are added! 

Ultimate 65% ready

You’ve been playing Overwatch for a while now and are getting a bit antsy waiting for Overwatch 2. It’s time to brush up on some of the changes coming to each hero going into the sequel, including new voice lines! 

Ultimate ready! 

New high score! You know every hero inside and out from voice lines to strategies. You grinded the beta and are ready for everything Overwatch 2 has to offer — including new heroes. 

So how did you do? Are you familiar with the heroes’ banter and quips or do you need more time to get to know them? We’ll be back to test your Overwatch 2 lore knowledge soon — so brush up before the game launches on October 4!

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