Complete this Fortnitemares challenge for a chunk of XP.
Throwing candy from a vehicle in Fortnite might seem simple but it can be pretty tricky if you’re trying to complete this Fortnitemares challenge on your own. Of course, you’ll need to locate some Halloween candy and that alone can be difficult if you’re unsure where to look. Don’t worry, though—I’ll explain everything you need to know in this guide.
Fortnite’s seasonal Halloween event so far has given us a chance to help defeat the Inkquisitor boss, turn into a werewolf, and destroy haunted household furniture. In fact, hurling candy from a car seems pretty tame in comparison. If you’re ready to get started, here’s how to throw candy from a vehicle in Fortnite.
Fortnite: How to throw candy from a vehicle
You must find at least three candies to throw from a vehicle to complete this Fortnitemares challenge. The method is pretty simple—equip your candy then right-click on your mouse to aim and left-click to throw it. If you’re playing with friends, you can get one of them to drive while you sit in the passenger seat with no distractions.
This challenge is still possible to do if you’re playing solo, but you’ll need to switch from the driver to the passenger seat—left Ctrl key—before you’re able to lob the candy.
If you need help locating Halloween candy to throw, look for Candy buckets outside doors around residential areas on the map. Good spots to look are Tilted Towers, Chrome Crossroads, Greasy Grove, and Cloudy Condos.