HisWattson accuses top-ranked Apex Predator of boosting

FURIA’s HisWattson just can’t stop stirring up drama on Twitter. He’s considered among the best Apex Legends players in the world and is at it again, grinding for Rank 1 Apex Predator this season. However, he seems to have hit an insurmountable hurdle in accomplishing this. The current top-ranked player in Apex Legends Season 14 is a player who goes by the name EEH_ERR in-game. This player is miles ahead of HisWattson in second place and keeps increasing the RP difference with every game he plays. HisWattson has taken to Twitter to accuse this player of account-boosting his way to Apex Predator.

The current #1 Apex Predator got boosted by a player who has now received his 3rd ban. There is 6 days left and the #1 pred will likely get to keep his spot with no punishment 😀 pic.twitter.com/eEXPLKhsUR

— FURIA HisWattson (@HisWattson) October 25, 2022

His claims aren’t unwarranted, however, and he’s provided a clip of EEH_ERR’s teammate getting banned in-game. According to HisWattson, that was his third ban. And the player’s stats look quite shady too.

EEH_ERR is the top-ranked Apex Predator in Season 14

EEH_ERR (@Tasmah6575 on Twitter) responded to HisWattson’s claim

HisWattson’s rise to fame can largely be attributed to his rise through the ranks in Apex Legends ranked mode. He was the #1 Apex Predator prior to the ALGS Championship, where he stole the show. However, he’s struggling to claim the throne in Season 14 Ranked because of EEH_ERR. The player, who goes by @Tasmah6575 on Twitter has responded to HisWattson’s tweet with a screenshot of his stats. And they’re quite insane, in all honesty.

Is HisWattson right about EEH_ERR boosting to Apex Predator?

A closer look at EEH_ERR’s lifetime stats do suggest something fishy is going on

EEH_ERR may believe he’s claimed a slam dunk on HisWattson by posting his stats and claiming they’re “better”, but in doing so, opened himself up to quite some scrutiny. This is because his stats are quite shady, to say the least. At first glance, you’d be forgiven for believing he’s a really good player. But things start to come into perspective when you look at his lifetime stats. The guy has 2000 lifetime wins across 14k games in BR mode. 703 of those 2000 wins are in Ranked Season 14. While his average damage and K/DR have seen improvements in season 14.

HisWattson claims his Rank 1 Apex Predator dream is dead

Had to end my stream because I was getting streamsniped by a charge rifle pathfinder. Rank 1 dream is dead unless Respawn decides to temp ban Tasmah for getting boosted by a cheater. Hopefully Respawn will do the right thing but we’ll just have to wait and see.

— FURIA HisWattson (@HisWattson) October 26, 2022

HisWattson later tweeted that he had to end his stream because of a stream sniper. According to him, the “Rank 1 dream” is dead unless Respawn decides to ban Tasmah (EEH_ERR). Considering his past clashes with Respawn employees on Twitter, he was quite mellow here. He’s being patient to see what Respawn will do about the situation. The player attracted quite a bit of bad press for encouraging and enabling “harassment” of developers. However, he’s being quite patient and sounds defeated here, with what appears to be a genuine case. It remains to be seen how Respawn responds to this.

Many other Apex Legends pro players have responded to HisWattson’s tweet, either with humor, curiosity, or indulgence. FunFPS from Team Liquid found the stats for the player alleged to be boosting EHH_ERR in Season 12 and they paint an interesting picture. While they’re quite impressive and he has made Apex Predator before, he’s far from the top ranks. There’s a fine line between being Apex Predator and being among the top 10 Apex Predators.

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