Where will you make your home?
(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)
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Looking for a Lost Ark servers list? You might be wondering how many servers are available for each region, and since some are busier than others, so it’s certainly worth spending a few minutes deciding where to make your home.
It makes sense to coordinate with your friends before starting out in the Korean ARPG-style MMO. That’s not to say you can’t party up for certain group activities if you’re on different servers in the same region, but MMO staples like guilds and world bosses are locked to individual worlds. Lost Ark doesn’t have dedicated PvE or PvP servers like WoW Classic, however, so that’s one less thing to worry about.
Amazon Games has merged some of the servers in Europe and South America to make it easier for players in those regions to take part in group activities like co-op sailing missions, field boss battles, and the like. The roster merge FAQ explains how it works.
In Europe West, Shadespire was merged into Rethramis, Petrania was merged into Tortoyk, Tragon was merged into Moonkeep, and Stonehearth was merged into Punika. In Central Europe, Sirius and Sceptrum were merged to form Armen, Thaemine and Procyon were merged to form Lazenith, Nineveh and Beatrice were merged to form Vairgrys, and Brelshaza and Inannan were merged to form Ezrebet. Finally, in South America, Kurzan was merged into Agaton, Prideholme was merged into Vern, Yorn was merged into Gienah, and Feiton was merged into Acturus.
A second round of server merges is planned for October 12, 2023. In Europe West, Rethramis will merge with Tortoyk to become Ealyn, while Moonkeep will merge with Punika to become Nia. In South America, Agaton will merge with Vern to become Arthetine, while Gienah will merge with Arcturus to become Blackfang.
That said, here are all the Lost Ark servers, their reset times, and how to check if they’re down.
Server list
(Image credit: Amazon Games)
Lost Ark server list
Daily and weekly server resets happen at 1 am server time (or 2 am, depending on Daylight Savings). That makes it 3am PST, 11am BST, or 8pm AEST (and one hour later during Daylight Savings).
Here’s the updated server list:
Central Europe
Europe West
North America: East
North America: West
South America
(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)
Lost Ark error codes: How to know if the game is down
If you’re having trouble connecting to Lost Ark, it could be down to busy servers or even maintenance. Luckily, you can check the server status on the official site, so you won’t have to waste time wondering if your connection is the problem.
Here is a list of currently known error codes:
10027 – This code relates to heavy server traffic, but it doesn’t currently look like they’ll be a fix until server capacity is increased.W0x9-SPELPWP1P2PT / W0x9-SPCLPWP1P2NT / W0x9-SPELPWP1P2NT – These three error codes are connection-based, and kick you from the game. Considering what people in forums have been doing to try and fix it, there currently isn’t a solution. Here is an an ongoing forum thread about the issue.
The Lost Ark Twitter account or Reddit are also good places to look if you can’t get to the status page for any reason.