FaZe Apex officially revealed

It’s official, FaZe Apex is real. One of the biggest and most iconic gaming brands has finally entered the Apex competitive scene, and with one of the most decorated talented rosters anywhere in Apex.

The FaZe Apex roster will consist of Eric “Snip3down” Wrona and SlurpeeG. It is also expected, but not yet confirmed that Mac “Albralelie” Beckwith will be the third player. All three of the new FaZe Apex team have significant competitive experience, and they are set to be a team to watch in the North American region in the upcoming Pro League split.

This announcement comes just a day after Snip3down announced he was retiring from Halo for the second time.

FaZe Apex: a team to fear

Competing under the name “ASS” (Alb, Snip3, Slurp) the new FaZe Apex roster have already begun to establish themselves in the game. While their results haven’t been mindblowing, they have shown flashes of brilliance. Their highlights include 2nd place in the 4th week of the Oversight Circuit.

Photo: Joe Brady/EA

What is important to note is that these results come while Snip3down was still competing in Halo. Focusing on two major esports titles at once is a big ask, especially when the meta has shifted significantly since Snip3downs last stint in Apex.

What FaZe Apex do have is significant experience. Albralelie is one of the most successful players in Apex history. Despite being only 22, he is an Apex veteran and has over $100k in career earnings. Alb was part of the dominant TSM roster that won both the X Games and the Apex Pre Season Invitational. In more recent times, he played in Sweden and Raleigh with Cloud9. There he made the finals on both occasions building up a substantial LAN resume.

Success in Apex is no secret to Snip3down

Then Snip3down, while primarily known for his glittering Halo career, is also a decorated Apex veteran. He competed in Apex from Day 1, and played with both Rogue and TSM before re-entering Halo. Coincidentally, he was the runner up to TSM at the X Games, and also has two GLL Masters titles to his name. He was also part of the TSM roster that came 3rd in the 2021 ALGS Championship.

Even as he retired from Apex to compete in Halo for FaZe, he never truly stopped competing in Apex Legends – winning the OTK Apex Invitational and a Chipotle Challenger Series qualifier. There will be no rust on Snip3downs part. He will also be familiar with the new meta, which has shifted significantly during his time in Halo. Ironically, since Snip3down has been away from Apex – controller players have been held in ever higher regard, and he will relish the close quarters aggressive gun meta that has developed.

SlurpeeG “What better org than FaZe for my first org”

esports.gg sat down with SlurpeeG of the new FaZe Apex team.

This is SlurpeeG’s first ever signing in Apex, he’s never played for any organisation in Apex before. On the pressure of joining an organisation as prestigious as FaZe he said: “I’m not really a pressure guy, I’m a go with the flow kind of guy”.

On how this team came about, SlurpeeG added, “Me and Alb are good friends, and a while ago I reached out to Snip3, he then hit up Alb and it just went from there”. With Snip3down already being signed to FaZe Clan, they clearly didn’t want to lose him as he stepped away from Halo.

SlurpeeG (Photo: FaZe Clan)

When asked about who FaZe were worried about in the upcoming Pro League, SlurpeeG was honest, “Our biggest worry is NRG, but FaZe is gonna do good and come on out”.

But, on if he expects FaZe Apex to be successful this year, there was no hesitation: “Yes. 100 percent”.

Sky high expectations ahead of Pro League for the FaZe Apex roster

After months of speculation, this FaZe Apex roster announcement is a boost to the Apex Legends competitive scene ahead of the ALGS Pro League. There has been a somewhat downbeat mood in the Apex community in recent weeks, with plenty of frustration about the state of the game. Outside of North America, some notable teams and players have been departing the scene.


However, for the FaZe Apex roster the challenge is now handling the huge expectations that come with an org of that size. Both Snip3down and Albralelie have played for huge teams on the biggest stage and will be able to help guide and mentor SlurpeeG through this split of Pro League. FaZe are also taking Apex very seriously. According to sources, FaZe will also be signing Gerrit “ChronoCreative” Acheson as an analyst. The Canadian has been involved in Apex for some time, and will provide a crucial fourth viewpoint throughout Pro League. The addition of a highly sought after analyst is a statement of intent by FaZe.

Could leadership be an issue?

The biggest challenge for the FaZe Apex roster could be leadership. Albralelie has some experience as an in game leader, as does Snip3down. However until now, both have performed their best when under the direction of a clear and confident leader. Both players have also developed a reputation for clashing with, or overcalling their IGLs at times. Establishing a clear leader, and sticking to a game plan will be crucial if this FaZe Apex team is to be successful.

Will FaZe lift the next ALGS Championship?

What is clear though is both Snip3down and Albralelie have the potential to be strong leaders. The question is which one of them will take the mantle, and will the other get onboard?

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest Apex Legends news and updates.

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