Apex Legends pro Mande says Vantage’s bullets are ‘the size of f*****g Antarctica’

SCARZ member and professional Apex Legends player Mande has described what he believes to be a flaw with Vantage’s kit.

While streaming on Oct. 9, Mande was playing Pathfinder in a ranked Apex Predator lobby. In the middle of a firefight, he appears to be taken out by an enemy Vantage’s Sniper’s Mark ultimate. After being downed, he complains about Vantage and the ability: “Fucking shit legend, dude.” In response to someone in his chat saying that the Vantage rightfully destroyed him, he responds irately, “I didn’t get shit on. [She] has the bullet size of fucking Antarctica.” The Vantage then runs up and kills him, which is where the clip ends.

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