ALGS Preseason Qualifier 2 dominated by new names and defensive legends on the attack

On a day where more familiar names qualified for their regional Pro Leagues in the Apex Legends Global Series, the bigger story was the names that didn’t make it into North America’s finals lobby—and the teams that took their place.

The road to the finals lobby and qualification into Pro League was littered with names of last year’s Pro League competitors and other major players in the scene cast off before they even had a chance to earn themselves qualification points, or the instant qualification that winning a Preseason Qualifier would win them. Players formerly of Pittsburgh Knights, Sentinels, Luminosity, and more all failed to make it to the final lobby of the day. The culling of long-time talent extended to the guard of players who have formed the ceiling of the tier two scene in North America for a long time as well, and even Slept On, the squad that missed out on winning the first Preseason Qualifier by one point, couldn’t make it to finals.

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