T1 fan group criticized for demanding LCK champions make changes ahead of Worlds

The largest T1 fan group in South Korea has been criticized after trying to demand the current LCK champions make big changes ahead of Worlds 2022. They called for the sacking of coaches Moment and Polt and increased communication following the team’s MSI 2022 loss.

T1 has been performing pretty well in the current League of Legends season. Making history with LCK’s first-ever 18-0 split, reaching finals for MSI (although falling short to RNG in the final), and currently ranked first for LCK Summer, the storied organization has been flourishing.

Despite their amazing track record, the largest T1 fan community in Korea is frustrated with the lack of literal perfection from their favorite team.

According to the fan community, T1 will repeat their MSI mistakes at Worlds and won’t succeed if the team doesn’t follow the group’s demands. The fans went as far as to give the organization a deadline, wanting a “detailed and accurate answer from T1 League of Legends team [by July 29]”.

This included potentially sacking coaches Kim ‘Moment’ Ji-Hwan alongside Choi ‘Polt’ Seong-hun, who the group lobbed blame on for all of T1’s recent losses.

“The fans cannot trust the coach who even cannot care [for] the players, which is their basic role. Insufficient opponent analysis and disappointing in-game preparation shows their lack of ability,” they state. “The fans strongly doubt the still-answerless Moment is capable of winning Worlds.”

Riot GamesT1 fans have demanded change ahead of Worlds 2022.

Due to a lack of communication, the T1 fan community doubts both coaches’ capability to “design a game winning strategy on international competitions.” This is despite T1 going undefeated in LCK 2022 Spring.

“After losing the final match of MSI, Moment evaded every interview, and refused to say anything related to the match yet,” the document said.

They continue on, demanding the coaches provide detailed blueprints of their plans and strategies for the future, alongside more active communication as a whole.

“T1 must answer the reasonable criticism of fans clearly. The critical issue of T1 lacking coaching power must be solved by recruiting a former player as a coach who can give meaningful feedback.”

No blame was placed on any of T1’s players.

This left other members of the League of Legends community shocked. A Reddit thread with the document went viral, with users claiming “imagine giving the org a deadline to respond by” and “this entitlement is crazy“.

This isn’t the first public display of overzealous fans from the LCK. In fact, T1 and star mid laner Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok has started legal proceedings against hateful fans just a couple weeks ago. KT Rolster also spoke out after players were sent threats and “dangerous goods”.

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