Update 21.30 has arrived, so let’s unwrap the gift box shall we?
Prime Shotgun
“It’s Prime Time”
The Prime Shotgun does max (50% more) damage in the first shot when it is fully loaded. It’s the first weapon in Fortnite to have the same reload time for every rarity. That being said it reloads one bullet at a time making the Reload Time for a full clip 4.5 Seconds. Reloading after the first shot is Instant.
On the right side of the weapon are 4 Lights, the first light is Red, and the other 3 are Blue. Every light is one shot with the first being the Max damage. Taking standard Shotgun Shells, a Fire Rate of 1.05, and a 9 Pellet Spread. Used correctly this Shotgun will do some heavy damage. Especially when the First shot has a 1.5x, and Headshots are 1.65x. It doesn’t feature in competitive play however, so you won’t see any impact in the Fortnite ranks because of it.
79 DPS
76 Body Damage
83 DPS
79 Body Damage
88 DPS
84 Body Damage
93 DPS
88 Body Damage
96 DPS
92 Body Damage
Mythic (Only in Creative)
101 DPS
96 Body Damage
Major Bug Fixes
The good news, it looks like they have fixed some major issues that have been going on. Be sure to check all your settings, and have the best Fortnite settings for your gameplay!
Rift-To-Gos are fixed.
Weapon Crosshairs will no longer scale with the HUD size.
Team Rumble players can Tents again.
Nintendo Switch players will no longer freeze after sliding or matling.
Storm Sickness will no longer reset when rebooting a teammate in Competitive Playlists.
Fixed in a hotfix on July 12, 2022
Audio settings will no longer be reset to 0.
The Player’s settings will now save correctly.
New In Creative
Hub Changes
V21.20 introduced a new HUB layout for the community’s artistic skills.
Removed Matchmaking Portals and Featured Rifts.
Golden Rifts will be available to creator groups. *One Rift Per Member Up To 8 Rifts*
Only one Creator Showcase Map is selected by the Hub Creator.
You can continue playing in private parties, just use the Matchmaking Portal Console for the Creator Showcase Map.
The objectives displayed in the HUD have a new visual style.
New Prop Galleries For Creative-Exclusive
Deserted Fortress Prefab
Floor & Stair Gallery
Wall Gallery
Prop Gallery
Waterfall Gallery
A wide selection of waterfall shapes and sizes to place on your islands.
Cuddle Tree Gallery
Make your island into a Cuddle Team haven with the Cuddle Tree
Prefab & Gallery Fixes
Iridescent Mountains Gallery individual assets can now be placed from the opened Gallery
Sports Gallery assets now have destruction VFX
Corrected grammar errors in Creative UI
Player Marker device
Create a Marker with custom text and an icon that will display the following information about a player on their Nameplate.
Distance on the Island
Markers will be visible on the Main Map and the Mini-map. Make sure your Nameplate settings are turned on, or the information will not be visible.
Device Updates
The Search Bar in the Color Picker and Icon Picker can now be used to search for a color or icon by name. Any color that does not have a name is now associated with its Hex Code representation.
The Icon Library for the HUD has 274 new Icons. This will affect the following devices:
Accolade device
Ball Spawner device
Beacon device
Capture Area device
Explosive device
Map Indicator device
Objective Item Gallery
Player Counter device
Player Marker device
Tracker device
The Do Not Despawn option has been added to the Creature Spawner and Creature Placer devices. With this option, creatures will no longer despawn when they get too far.
Device Fixes
Prop Manipulator device has been fixed and will no longer push you through if you get too close.
Button Device Channels will no longer reset on their own.
The Video Player Device will now play in all situations.
Item Spawners memory has been fixed.
Players can now place vehicles inside the Skydome Volume Device
Color Picker’s search box in the Skydome Volume Device customizes panel has been fixed.
The Campfire Device will stop extinguishing itself without a signal.
The tracker Device now supports new Quest Icon and Color options.
It’s not certain yet how much all this will impact any upcoming Fortnite Esports events, but we’ll have to wait and see on that one.
That was a lot going on in one update. We’ll be keeping a watch out for more Fortnite news about what’s going on.
Alright loopers, until next time. Gather your squad, harvest your resources, fill that shield, pick your load out, and get that victory crown. Over and out!