Apex Legends Season 14 Patch Notes: What we know so far about “Hunted”

Fans of Apex Legends will be delighted to know a new season is just around the corner. The Apex Legends Season 14 Patch Notes have yet to be released in full.

However, EA have confirmed we will see the arrival of a brand new legend Vantage and the return of beloved POI Skulltown.

Here’s what we know so far about Apex Legends Season 14:

When is Apex Legends Season 14 coming out?

Apex Legends Season 14’s official release date is August 9th:10am PST, 1pm EST and 6pm BST.

This release date was confirmed on the EA website.

Who is the new legend?

The new legend coming in Season 14 is called “Vantage”. Vantage will be the 22nd legend added to Apex Legends since its release in 2019.

While EA not released the official Apex Legends Season 14 patch notes, there have of course been leaks regarding what Vantage’s kit is. These abilities have not been confirmed.

Vantage’s leaked ability list

The Hunted Launch Trailer clearly shows what leakers said was Vantage’s passive ability Sniper Kit

Sniper Kit (Passive): Tactical info available in ADS unarmed or any long range scopes. This includes the legend name, their shield rarity, team-size and how far away they are.

Editor’s note: In the Hunted launch trailer we clearly see this ability in action.

Echo is a bat we see rescued by Vantage in the Apex Legends Season 14 Trailer

Echo Launch (Tactical): Launch towards your winged companion, Echo. Order Echo by tapping Q. Launch to Echo by holding Q.

Editor’s note: Echo is Vantage’s pet bat who we see rescued in the Story of the Outlands trailer.

Vantage’s ultimate Mark to Kill was leaked and is believed to grant her a custom sniper that boosts her and allies damage.

Mark to Kill (Ultimate): Vantage’s Ultimate provides her with a custom sniper rifle that can both scan enemies and deal additional damage to them for both Vantage and her allies.

Damages is doubled for successive shots and her team gain a 15% damage boost on targets scanned by Vantage by her Sniper Kit passive.

Editor’s note: We do actually see Vantage disassemble her sniper rifle 55 seconds into the Hunted Launch Trailer giving further credibility to her leaked ultimate.

Stories from the Outlands introduces newest legend Vantage and Season 14 – Hunted

The newest legend Vantage has been introduced in Stories from the Outlands: Survive. Join us as we break down the trailer and what’s to come


Level Cap Increase confirmed for Apex Legends Season 14

EA confirmed on their website that they will finally be increasing the level cap on Apex Legends accounts. Up until now level 500 is the highest rank any player can achieve.

“Aim for staggering heights with the new Level Cap increase,” said EA.

Skulltown is back! Beloved POI returns in Season 14 Launch Trailer for Apex Legends

A new cinematic trailer for Season 14 of Apex Legends dropped. Join us as we break down the trailer and see what season 14 has to offer!


Skulltown returns as part of Kings Canyon changes

The last piece of confirmed news is that Skulltown, a popular POI from the original Kings Canyon will be making a return in the Apex Legends Season 14 Patch notes.

Skulltown was showcased in the Launch Trailer and its close-quarter combat should bring a smile to those who have been on the Apex Legends journey since the beginning.

We will keep you posted the moment the official Apex Legends Season 14 Patch notes drop! Until then, happy hunting.

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