Wordle answer (Monday 13 June)

Looking for the Wordle answer for Monday 13 June 2022? Wordle is a puzzle game that can quickly become an obsession, with a new 5-letter word to guess each and every day. You only have six tries to guess the answer, and you can share your score to show others how many attempts it took you to deduce today’s Wordle answer. You might even start to build a streak, if you’re some kind of Wordle master. However, not every Wordle answer is easy, and the thought of losing that streak after a few weeks might be unbearable. Luckily, we’re here to help you figure out the solution to every Wordle, every day.

In this guide, you’ll find three hints that will nudge you in the right direction, so that you can enjoy guessing without feeling totally lost. If you just want to know the answer, or you’ve got it and just want to know what it means, you can also find today’s Wordle answer and a quick definition below.

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