Its that time of year again, the time where we begrudgingly make promises to ourselves about what we will accomplish in the next year. Promises we know will likely go unfulfilled and be forgotten in mere days after uttering them! Well today we are going to change that! (Yeah right.)

In the spirit of the season, I am going to start off by setting some in game goals for the current MMO I am playing, and that is Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. With the new expansion recently released, now is a good time to try things I have never really done before. So here are my XXX goals for Final Fantasy 14

  • Level all Crafters to 90

  At this point, I am only missing 2 crafters (weaver and carpenter) that I did not level to 80, however I have never really focused on using the crafters for anything other than making a little bit of gil on the side with things like glamour items. So this year I’d like to learn the finer things when it comes to crafting and really increase my overall knowledge on the crafting world! So let’s start off right by leveling all crafters to 90! 

  • Learn 1 Caster DPS Class

  I currently have nearly all jobs at level 70 or above (except the newest DPS Reaper, and the Gunbreaker. However this was courtesy of a great sale in the Mog Station when it came to level skips for jobs. So this year I would like to learn to play a Caster DPS such as Summoner or Black Mage. After playing Healers, Melee, Tanks and of course the ranged Physical DPS (my favorite) the last left to learn would be a caster.

  • More Trials!

  This year I finally joined a party finder group for the first time, and got my first clear! This was such a rush and brought me back to the feelings I had in Classic WoW completing content for the first time. I enjoy the challenge so much, and I would like to step out of my FF14 comfort zone and find more groups of strangers doing EX’s. 

  • Big Stretch

   Well, it wouldn’t be a resolutions list without a stretch goal. I have never been one who has enjoyed questing. I really just don’t like it. I understand the purpose but being forced to run back and forth has really never been my thing. I’ve gotten much more tolerant as the years have gone by, but I still only do the bare minimum when it comes to quests. No more! Starting this year I am going to make it a goal to complete all of the blue quests I am missing throughout the game. For those who don’t know, blue quests are called “Feature Quests” and typically unlock more content within the game. Some of this content is purely cosmetic, some of it is just for fun, some of it are familiar encounters with the difficulty cranked up. So this year I am going to make it a goal to take on these quests and open up even more of the plethora of content that FFXIV has to offer!

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