A solid run again tonight, this time with 31 members of Alt Run completing Molten Core in 2 hours 11 min, followed by a swift and clean Onyxia kill. A few members of guild have attained the raider rank after having perfect attendance for the last 3 weeks! As a reminder the raider rank is gained by members after reaching level 60, completing 3 full Molten Core runs, and hitting 75% attendance over the course of 8 weeks. (This means with perfect attendance you can hit the raider rank in 3 (or 3 and a half depending on Onyxia resets) weeks after completing the other prerequisites. Again congrats to the new raiders and thank you for supporting your guildmates.
Once again, Alt Run raids Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8pm EST (Server Time.) We are currently recruiting for our primary raid as well as our seconday, pug raid on Mondays. If you would like to become a part of one of the most laid back and fun having guilds on Incendius please message any officer for more information on how to join! We are recruiting any and all good mannered players, but are in need of Priests right now.